Tuesday 17 January 2023



I am sitting here on the porch,

Coffee in one hand, smoke in the other,

Looking at the garden, it’s just beautiful,

Birds are drinking water from the dog’s bowl,

The basset is lying at my feet in the shades,

I am alone with my thoughts,

It’s scary, but just look at the peacefulness around you,

Take a deep breath and just enjoy, the peace you are feeling now.

If you get the peace, answers will appear.


Monday 16 January 2023



I am living my dream live,

But what if it won’t last longer than three or four months,

What if I am living in my own imagination,

What if all the things I am seeing is just an illusion,

What if I don’t have what it got,

What if nothing happens what I saw in my mind,

What if, what if, what if?

I know of people who wants me to fail,

But what if I can prove to myself and them,

I am also something amusing!!!



 Don’t know if I want to be lonely or not,

I don’t like people, I love my dogs,

Maybe I just need a few people to talk to,

Not a lot of people, they make me nervous,

I love being at home, in the garden

With the dogs and the green, green grass, and the flowers

Then the big old palm tree,

Standing tall and green looking out for me,

This is my piece, what are yours?

My spirit

 This is the Spirit of Me,

The First time I've ever felt free,

This where I will come to show the real me,

So please feel free to join.... 

5 de Geheimpie

Ek en R se ma kom nie oor die weg nie van die eerste oomblik toe ek en R net ogies gemaak het vermekaar. Sy het gebel ek het gewerk vandat R...